Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 18 September 2023

1. Purpose of this Privacy Policy.

SimulatorFX is committed to protecting your privacy. We have prepared this Privacy Policy to describe to you our practices regarding the Personal Data (as defined below) we collect from users of our website located at and in connection with our SimulatorFX products and services (the "Products"). In addition, this Privacy Policy tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

This website and our Products are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.

2. Controller and Contact Details.

SimulatorFX (collectively referred to as “SimulatorFX,” “we,” “us” or “our” in this Privacy Policy) is the controller of Personal Data submitted in accordance with this Privacy Policy and is responsible for that Personal Data.

3. Types Of Data We Collect.

We collect Personal Data and Anonymous Data from you when you visit our site, when you send us information or communications, when you download and use our Products. "Personal Data" means data that identifies, relates to, describes, can be used to contact, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly to you, including, for example, identifiers such as your real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers; commercial information, including records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies; Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding your interaction with an Internet website, application, or advertisement; and any other non-public information about you that is associated with or linked to any of the foregoing data. "Anonymous Data" means data that is not associated with or linked to your Personal Data; Anonymous Data does not permit the identification of individual persons. We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data). For details about the precise data points we collect and the categories of sources of such collection, please see Section 4.1 below.

3.1 Personal Data You Provide to Us.

We collect Personal Data from you, such as your first and last name, e-mail and password, create an account to log in to our network, or sign-up for our newsletter or other marketing material (internet/electronic activity). When you order Products on our website, we will collect all information necessary to complete the transaction, including your name, credit card information, billing information and shipping information (identifiers and financial information). We also retain information on your behalf, such as files and messages that you store using your account (Internet electronic activity). If you provide us feedback or contact us via e-mail or submit a response to an employment opportunity posted on our website, we will collect your name and e-mail address (identifiers), as well as any other content included in the e-mail, in order to send you a reply, and any information that you submit to us. When you participate in one of our surveys, we may collect additional profile information. When you post messages on the message boards of our website, the information contained in your posting will be stored on our servers and other users will be able to see it (Internet/electronic activity). We also collect other types of Personal Data that you provide to us voluntarily, such as operating system and version, Product version numbers, and other requested information if you contact us via e-mail regarding support.

3.2 Personal Data Collected Via Technology.

To make our website and Products more useful to you, our servers (which may be hosted by a third party service provider) collect Personal Data from you, including browser type, operating system, IP address (a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet, which may vary from session to session), domain name, and/or a date/time stamp for your visit (identifiers, commercial information or Internet/electronic activity).

3.3 Personal Data Collected Via Cookies.

We also use Cookies and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your visit and the solutions and information for which you searched and which you viewed (Internet/electronic activity). Like most technology companies, we automatically gather this Personal Data and store it in log files each time you visit our website or access your account on our network. "Cookies" are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer’s hard drive while you are viewing a web site. We may use both session Cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our website. Persistent Cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help file directions. You may choose to refuse or disable Cookies via the settings on your browser, however by doing so, some areas of our website may not work properly.

3.4 Personal and/or Anonymous Data Collected By Third Parties.

Our libraries do not collect your personal information.

4. Use Of Your Data.

4.1 General Use.

In general, Personal Data you submit to us is used either to respond to requests that you make, or to aid us in serving you better.

4.2 Creation of Anonymous Data.

We may create Anonymous Data records from Personal Data by excluding information (such as your name and IP address) that makes the data personally identifiable to you. We use this Anonymous Data to analyze request and usage patterns so that we may enhance the content of our Products and improve site navigation, and for marketing and analytics.

4.3 Feedback.

If you provide feedback on any of our Products or our website, we may use such feedback for any purpose, provided we will not associate such feedback with your Personal Data. We will collect any information contained in such communication and will treat the Personal Data in such communication in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

5. Disclosure Of Your Personal Data.

5.1 Disclosure to Affiliates.

We do not share any of your Personal Data with other companies.

6. Your Choices Regarding Your Personal Data.

We offer you choices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your Personal Data. We will periodically send you free newsletters and e-mails that directly promote the use of our site or the purchase of our Products. When you receive newsletters or promotional communications from us, you may indicate a preference to stop receiving further communications from us and you will have the opportunity to "opt-out" by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the e-mail you receive or by contacting us directly (please see contact information above). Despite your indicated e-mail preferences, we may send you notices of any updates to our Privacy Policy.

7. Security Of Your Personal Data.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we are committed to protecting your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we use a variety of industry-standard security technologies and procedures to help protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We also require you to enter a password to access your account information. Please do not disclose your account password to unauthorized people. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where required to do so.

8. Data Retention.

We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

10. Changes To This Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is subject to occasional revision, and if we make any substantial changes in the way we use your Personal Data, we will notify you by sending you an e-mail to the last e-mail address you provided to us or by prominently posting notice of the changes on our website. Any material changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days following our dispatch of an e-mail notice to you or thirty (30) calendar days following our posting of notice of the changes on our site. These changes will be effective immediately for new users of our website and Products. Please note that at all times you are responsible for updating your Personal Data to provide us with your most current e-mail address. In the event that the last e-mail address that you have provided us is not valid, or for any reason is not capable of delivering to you the notice described above, our dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice of the changes described in the notice. In any event, changes to this Privacy Policy may affect our use of Personal Data that you provided us prior to our notification to you of the changes. If you do not wish to permit changes in our use of your Personal Data, you must notify us prior to the effective date of the changes that you wish to deactivate your account with us. Continued use of our website or Products, following notice of such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.